
Semester n°6


2 vuotta



mechanical engineering

Semester n°6

Haettavat toimialat

Hallinto ja toimisto, Liiketalous, Viestintä, Sähkö, Energia, Rahoitus ja vakuutus, Humanistinen ja kasvatusala, Teollisuus, Luonnonvara ja ympäristö, Luonnontiede, Kiinteistö, Tiede, Turvallisuus, Palveluala, Tekstiili ja vaatetus, Matkailu, Kuljetus ja liikenne

Haettavat alueet

Ilomantsi, Joensuu, Juuka, Kitee, Kontiolahti, Lieksa, Liperi, Nurmes, Outokumpu, Polvijärvi, Rääkkylä, Tohmajärvi, Valtimo, Iisalmi, Juankoski, Kaavi, Keitele, Kiuruvesi, Kuopio, Lapinlahti, Leppävirta, Maaninka, Nilsiä, Pielavesi, Rautalampi, Rautavaara, Siilinjärvi, Sonkajärvi, Suonenjoki, Tervo, Tuusniemi, Varkaus, Vesanto, Vieremä

Haettavat työn luonteet

Harjoittelu, Kesätyö, Kokopäivätyö

  • ESAIP, Engineering shools in Energy, Environment and industrial, environmental risks in companies, Energy, valmistunut Master degree
  • Notre dame de Sion school, intensive general program in mathematics for top-ranking exam, Mathematics and Physics, valmistunut License degree
  • Melizan High school, A level in mathematics, physics and Biology with honors, Physics, valmistunut high school degree
  • General council in Marseilles, August 2022 - September 2022, summer job in regional service branch for information and digital technologies
  • Mediterranean institute of Oceanology, January 2018 - February 2018, internship
  • Ranska, Äidinkieli
  • Englanti, Hyvä
  • Espanja, Hyvä
  • Suomi, Heikko

Tietotekninen osaaminen
no computer special skills

Ammatillinen osaaminen
No profession related special skills

Vapaa teksti
Through my master’s degree, I have been given the opportunity to apply for a six-month Erasmus
Exchange. And I must do a job abroad for one month to validate my academic year and gain
skills abroad.
As you will notice on the attached CV, I would like to become an engineer in order to respond to
the energy stakes and challenges and reduce the impact of human activities on the planet. Having
recently graduated from an Intensive general program in mathematics for top-ranking higher
education establishments, I’m currently a student in an engineering school named ESAIP on
Environment, Energy and risks Prevention.
I work well under demands and enjoy working in a team. I can adapt to all types of work

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