
Digital Health


47 years

Savonia UAS

Starting year

Field of study
MBA Digital Health

Digital Health

Work fields seeking

Administration, Business, Catering, Communications, Healthcare and Social Science, Humanities and Education, HVAC, IT, Technology, Tourism

Work areas seeking

Ilomantsi, Joensuu, Juuka, Kitee, Kontiolahti, Lieksa, Liperi, Nurmes, Outokumpu, Polvijärvi, Rääkkylä, Tohmajärvi, Valtimo, Iisalmi, Juankoski, Kaavi, Keitele, Kiuruvesi, Kuopio, Lapinlahti, Leppävirta, Maaninka, Nilsiä, Pielavesi, Rautalampi, Rautavaara, Siilinjärvi, Sonkajärvi, Suonenjoki, Tervo, Tuusniemi, Varkaus, Vesanto, Vieremä

Work types seeking

Internships, Thesis work, Part-time work, Summer work, Full-time work, Entrepreneurship

Special skills

Computer skills
Analytics, Microsoft office, Data visualization, Social media, Cyber security awareness, SEO

Profession related special skills
Hygiene pass, Cyber security, well- being certificate

Additional text
As a business intelligence analyst, I am responsible for bridging the gap between IT and the business using data analytics to assess processes, determine requirements and deliver data-driven recommendations.rnrnI have rapidly gained responsibility through successive engagements and focusing on the big picture without losing sight of the details is a key factor to my success; combined with the internship experience that has provided me with business analytical skills that work for companies of any size.rnrnI excel at understanding business requirements in the BI context and design data models.rnCreate dashboards and interactive visual reports using Power BI.rnAnalyzing data and present data through reports that aid decision-making.rnProven track record of success using hard-line strategies of bringing in new business.


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